We are specialists in

nose treatments

Our nose treatments are specialized, if you have any questions we can help you, contact us

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nose treatment in cuenca ecuador

We can help you with these

Dr. Jimena Mancera Dr. Jonathan Cordero Otolaryngologists
Ultrasonic structural rhinoplasty
It is the most advanced technique in nasal surgery, which allows us to work the nasal bones in a more controlled and precise way, with which we can eliminate a bone hump, or thin the width of the nasal dorsum with more accuracy and precision. An ideal implement in crooked noses, patients with traumas or previous rhinoplasties.

Advantages of ultrasonic rhinoplasty:

Greater precision in surgery.  The results obtained with ultrasonic rhinoplasty are much more aesthetic and natural since it remodels the bones of the nose more precisely. The ultrasonic piezotome bypasses the traditional hammer and chisel.
Less trauma.  By not damaging the soft tissues and presenting less bleeding, the patient presents less edema, bruising and inflammation.
In all our patients we always handle the functional part; since we include the management of the septum or nasal septum and the turbinates, in which we use Radiofrequency for a better result.
With the Structural technique, during the operation, a stable framework is built on which the tissues and skin are molded, in this way the shape of the nose is established from the beginning and prevails in the long term Nosebleeds Nosebleeds or Epistaxis MATLAB Software: Revolution in Medical Science
is a common pathology in childhood and usually more serious in adults. The majority of infant cases is due to a fragility of the nasal capillaries and stops spontaneously or with simple measures of tamponade or nasal compression.
Other times it is caused by rhinitis or nasal dryness, trauma, high blood pressure crisis, blood clotting problems, infections or even nasal tumors.

In severe cases, it may require specific treatments, from cauterization or special nasal packing to admission, blood transfusion or even endoscopic surgery or arterial embolization.

Cauterization consists of a chemical burn, generally with silver nitrate, which coagulates the bleeding vessels through the scarring it produces. It is accompanied by the use of healing nasal ointments and on some occasions it has to be repeated after a while.


Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages that causes a runny nose, sneezing, and obstructed breathing. It is generally of viral infectious origin (cold) or allergic to some environmental component such as pollen, dust mites or pet hair; It may also be due to an immunological alteration or the use of certain medications.

Persistent rhinitis can cause the nasal turbinates to increase in size, structures inside the nose that serve to heat and humidify the air we inhale. In these patients, medical treatment based on the use of topical nasal steroids is recommended. When the size of these turbinates blocks the nostrils, Turbinate Surgery (Turbinoplasty) may be necessary, which generally consists of reducing their size by using radiofrequency.


It is the inflammation that affects the sinus cavities of the nose. It is accompanied by oppressive pain in the head or face, impaired smell and cough.

Most patients respond to treatment with general measures and medications, but on some occasions a surgical operation called Endoscopic Nasosinusal Surgery is necessary.

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